Powerline Pilates + Wellness
Welcome to Powerline Pilates + Wellness!
Perpetually fascinated with movement and the question of how to live well in the human body, Powerline founder Nicole Richter has worked professionally with the body for over thirty years. She began teaching Pilates way back in 2002 just as she began raising her two phenomenal children, establishing Powerline Pilates + Wellness in 2015.
A bit of a tomboy jock misfit who fell in love with dance 'late' at the age of nineteen, Nicole danced professionally for over a decade. In the years since, she has trained as a master Pilates trainer, a certified orthopedic manual therapist, a postural alignment specialist, and as a life coach with a specialization in ADHD. Each of these strands now figures deeply into both her life-practice and her professional offerings. (And yes, she sometimes still dances or choreographs.)
Along the way she became more and more clear on her goals as a movement coach. As a Pilates trainer, she didn't want to just 'work people out.' As a manual therapist, she didn't want to just give massages (even really really effective ones). Instead, she became intent on finding the most effective means to get the body moving well and keeping it that way.
The result is her Body ReMAP method of movement and fitness training.
Body ReMAP incorporates 1) Myofascial release work, 2) Alignment training, and 3) Pilates-based strengthening in a deep, necessary and singularly effective partnership. At its root is the passionate belief that to evince lasting change through the body, you need to be doing all three in conjunction: release to align to strengthen. And over time, the improved results for clients using the Body ReMAP approach became so convincing that Nicole now offers it exclusively, in 80-minute remote or live coaching sessions within a program customized to each client's goals and needs.
Body ReMAP is based on the following key principles:
1) It is impossible to strengthen a body well in poor alignment.
So, you need to align effectively first. However:
2) It is extremely difficult to align a body that has developed entrenched muscular imbalances over time.
(So, pretty much all of us.) Thus:
3) It is imperative to release any tight or restricted areas first. Then align. Then strengthen.
Once you release what's tight or restricted, your body's weak underperforming muscles actually have a fighting chance to start working. Which means you can actually start to align your body in its (long-lost, for most of us) proper natural alignment. Which means you will now (literally) be in a position to most effectively strengthen the weaker areas in your own particular body map. Which makes for less pain and greater ease of healthy alignment and effective movement on an ongoing basis of continual improvement. (Phew!)
But (dammit!):
4) Those same alignment habits (usage patterns, unresolved injuries, genetic factors, etc) that led to muscle imbalance in the first place are likely to zap you back to square one, just in the living of your daily life.
Unless (!!):
5) You are actively fine-tuning and practicing those improved ways of being and moving. And by so doing, re-habituating your daily practices to natural healthy alignment and movement.
ln short, all the Pilates (yoga, Crossfit, cardio, massage) in the world will not, by itself, provide what your body needs to recognize, address and reverse the cycle of errant alignment and usage habits that lead, over years or decades, to imbalanced muscularity (and its concordant woes) to begin with.
To address those things comprehensively and lastingly, you need to:
to align
to strengthen
to practice
Intelligently -- which means specifically to your body's muscular and alignment map.
That's Body ReMAP.
Because we only have one body. Living in it should be a joy.