Powerline Pilates + Wellness
I highly recommend Powerline Pilates. Nicole Richter, the owner, is a marvelous teacher. She brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to her classes. I particularly value her attention to good form and her ability to analyze and address the challenges of people with varying body types. I've been working with her for over 5 years and I feel she keeps adding new insights and skills to her teaching which keeps me interested as well. It's much more than just a workout - it's a real education about my body and my health!
-- Elisabeth Reed, San Francisco Conservatory of Music
"I am ready! My body has felt real good since my session, and I have taken your advice and it has worked. I can't thank you enough for all your thoughtfulness. Obviously you are great at your job, and extremely conscientious.... I look forward to seeing you in the near future. For now I am feeling 'top of the morning.' Thanks for everything!"
-- Mark Ibañez, Sportscaster
I have been taking classes on and off with Nicole for 7 years. Before I started doing Pilates, I had been suffering from back pain for years. I can now happily say that I do not suffer from back pain! Nicole has an amazing awareness of the body, and can see exactly what each student needs to focus on during a particular class.
-- Sarah Kate H., Attorney
"Just when I think Pilates can’t get better or more work and more transcendental – it happens again. You are such a gifted teacher, I have to thank you one more time for being so fabulous, and inspirational, and fun."
-- Erica Stone, President, American Himalayan Foundation

I have been taking Pilates classes since a back injury in 2011 and Pilates gave me back my ability to dance and go about my life. I have been taking classes at Powerline Pilates for the past year or so. All the classes are fantastic. Classes are small with careful individualized attention. Pilates is hard work and completely worth the effort!
-- Margaret C., Oakland
I've tried Pilates at other gyms and it wasn't until I had one-on-one instruction with Nicole at Powerline that I truly understood the efficiency and profound effect it can have. I'm a middle-aged martial artist who has to manage chronic back, knee and shoulder pain -- I'm able to continue my rigorous training with minimal pain because of the clear (and super fun) guidance from Nicole. Now I'm integrating "orthopilates" into my overall training and I can see that it's taking my balance, speed and wellness to the next level. Love it.
-- Mamie Chow, Acupuncturist, Herbalist
I took my first ever Pilates class at Powerline and it was literally life-changing. It awakened muscles in my back and core that I didn't even know existed. After only a couple of classes, my posture was better (my shoulders tend to slouch forward), my chest was more open, and I could feel the improvement in core strength when doing other activities, like running.
The class was initially with Nicole, and I love the precision of her teaching style. She is extremely focused on developing proper form, and the way she talks through each exercise is very clear and easy to understand - even when describing very subtle adjustments to really deep muscles.
-- Suzy Clement, Wedding Photographer